Trish, write in your blog they say. Trish, blog about how you choose paint color. Trish blog about how you select tile. Trish don't use bad words in your blog to express yourself.
Well shit
I have never claimed to be a professional blogger or writer, but here we are my friends!
I have no desire to do what others expect and write a blog that caters to DIYS projects. I hope instead to reach that shy designer, contractor, or tradesman who realizes to reach that next level, they need to put their ego aside and build a cohesive team. A team that incorporates the best in money management, time management, and downright grit.
Is it possible to teach someone design? Short answer...Yes and No.
Some people have a natural ability to mix and match colors, patterns, and designs. Others can be taught absolutes. In other words, that natural ability will always trump the trends.
That designer with natural ability will always design outside the lines. They will test the limits, question the norms and build those "Pinterest" boards for others to "design" from.
I am not advocating leaning on talent alone. I feel it is imperative to keep learning, and to surround yourself with talented people who bring value to your company.
As a designer you have two choices. You can work with a contractor as a team (which is what I prefer) the contractor gets the headache, and you are fee to design. This cohesive relationship allows the designer to design and contractor to contract...yin and yang.
Or you can have your client be the contractor (which is more profitable to you) but just know, you get the headache as now this is your circus and those are your monkeys.
I had to do both while searching for that cohesive relationship. I compare it to the Grand Duke trying to find the right foot for the glass slipper...
Usually, after working with a good designer once, a contractor will recognize the value of having the perfect symmetry of color and style and the caliber of clientele a designer brings to the table.
Same goes for a designer, after working with a good contractor, they recognize the value and skill set that a talented contractor brings to the table.
If you are able to find that cohesive relationship you have the making of a powerhouse team!
However, some will always default to stealing and underhandedness. They live from paycheck to paycheck as they are unable to overcome their self-imposed limitations usually tied to an inflated but fragile ego. They are constantly chasing their tails as they have poor money management, poor time management, and still, they choose to control every situation by manipulation. They greatly wish to be where you are, but they are too Self-serving to earn it the right way. Instead, they work twice as hard trying to manipulate and control every situation and literally use your back as a steppingstone to success that still eludes them. They never grow.
*Side notes for designers. Whoever brings in the client, leads.
If a designer brings in a client and the contractor is overtalking them, the contractor is looking to take advantage and steal not only your client, but with you out of the way, from your client. The contractor should be trying to gain YOUR confidence. All suggestions and ideas are discussed with you directly.
*Same goes for contractors. If you bring in the client all conversations and suggestions should go to you directly and not to your client, including all renderings. If the designer is trying to isolate your client, they are trying to separate you from your client. It is shady and not good business practice.
*Side notes for designers. Don't use design descriptive words. Those few assholes who look to take advantage of others will learn a few simple design terms and boom they think they know everything. Although, I do love to share knowledge with a client, I also know how little that knowledge means to someone without a true gift for design. I try not to muddy the waters with design terms.
Often, when asked if something is this design or that design, I will answer with "depends on each designer's perspective". Read that twice. Now let that sink in.
If you are a gifted designer, you just nodded and maybe said out loud "This"
If you are a designer who designs inside the lines or a contractor who has never worked with a gifted designer, you just blew air from your lips in utter disgust.
If you are a client, your head just tilted to one side, and you might have raised an eyebrow.
I will always be moving forward, as I will always surround myself with people who bring something to the table and not just take from the table. In turn, I will always strive to bring value of knowledge and site.
~Trish Whitsell